Featured Events
Many SiteOrganic websites include an area on the home page (or other location) for Featured Events or Featured Items. This is often a location where you can highlight special activities, promotions, or announcements in your organization. The appearance
of the Featured Events area will vary based on the design of your site. It may be a scrolling window that rotates items every few seconds, or it may be an HTML area showing text or text/image for each item.
NOTE: Featured Events may, in some instances, be managed separately for 1) the main home page, and 2) sub-group or subdivision pages. Only Administrator's may edit the Featured Events for the main homepage.
To add/edit your featured event Items:
- From the Admin Console, choose Site Administration > Featured Events.
- If necessary, choose the group for which you want to manage Featured Events. This is normally the Master Group, which bares the name of your organization.
- You will see a list of all items currently in the system. Items in white are active. Items in gray are inactive. NOTE: An item is inactive because one of two things is true:
- The item is not published
- The item is not set to appear on today's date
- To edit an existing item, click its name. To add a new one, click the "Add a new feature" button.
- Complete the following fields as necessary:
- Feature Title: This will be the headline for the item.
- Feature Text: If applicable, this will be the descriptive text that appears on the site. This should be kept as brief as possible. NOTE: To remove the title/description overlay from a feature, enter a # in the text (description) field.
- Image Path: If applicable, you may specify an image or logo to accompany your feature. This normally needs to be in JPG or SWF format, but you should consult your designer to make sure. Your designer can also give you information on the proper dimensions for this image.
- Start/End Dates: Enter the dates between which this Featured Event should appear. The item will begin appearing at 12:01am on the Start Date, and will stop appearing after 11:59pm on the End Date.
- URL: If you would like your users to be able to click a link for more information, then enter the target address here. This should be an absolute link, which includes the domain name (ex: http://www.mydomainname.com/pages/page.asp?page_id=178279).
- Point of Contact: If your site allows space for contact information, then enter the appropriate details here.
- Publish: This box must be checked in order for your Featured Event to run on the site. If you prefer to store your event entry without running it on the Website, then clear this checkbox.
NOTE: For clients using our newest Sleeker Fade site, you can add "~blank~" to the end of your URL, in order for the link to open in a new window (ex: http://www.google.com~blank~). This will be added into automatically within the hyperlink manager tool, if you choose an external link and then say "yes" to launch in new window.
- Click the "Submit" button to save your changes. Click the "Reset" button to clear the form back to its last-saved condition.
Note: The order of the features can be changed by drag/drop