Creating/Editing a Scrapbook
Creating a New Scrapbook (if necessary)
If you don’t already have a scrapbook created, follow these steps.
- From the Admin Console, choose Components > Photogallery/Scrapbook.
- Choose your group.
- Click the “Create a New Scrapbook” button. NOTE: Some plans only allow one scrapbook for your website. In this case, the Create a New Scrapbook button will only appear if you have not yet created a scrapbook.
- Complete the fields as needed:
- Name: Title for your scrapbook
- Intro: This is a brief text intro that can appear at the beginning of your scrapbook (after the cover image)
- Cover Image: An image or graphic that will serve as the front “cover” of your scrapbook. This is optional.
- Link: If you would like a link to be shown on the scrapbook, enter it here.
- Link URL: Target for the link
- Link Text: Label for the link (what the visitor will see)
- Click Save to create your new scrapbook container. You will be taken to the Edit Scrapbook screen.
Adding Images to the Scrapbook
If you are not already there, go to the Edit Scrapbook screen for the desired scrapbook container. You can view your scrapbooks in the Admin Console at Components > Photogallery/Scrapbook. To add new images to your scrapbook:
- On the toolbar (just above the chapter list), click the “Add New Images” button. This will open the file browser in the right-hand window pane.
- Browse the folders and files on your web server to find the images you want to add.
- Select the image(s) you wish to add. You can select multiple images by holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard while you click each image.
- Drag the image(s) from the right side of the screen over to the left, dropping them on top of one of your chapters (the default chapter is called “General” unless you have renamed it).
Working with Chapters
Within a photo scrapbook, you can have subdivisions (called “chapters”). These may show as “tabs” in your scrapbook, or some other similar type of divider. Each scrapbook starts with one chapter, which is called “General” by default.
- To rename a chapter: Click a chapter name to select it. Wait at least one second, then click the chapter name again. You can now edit the name. Press Enter when you are finished to save the change.
- To create a new chapter: In the toolbar (just above the chapter list), click the “Add New Chapter” button.
- To move images from one chapter to another: Click an image and drag it to another chapter. You can select multiple images by holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard while you click each image.
Adjusting Names, Captions and Description
To adjust the properties of an image:
- Select the image on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Complete the fields as necessary:
- Title: This is the name that will appear in the photo scrapbook.
- Caption: Text description of the image
- Date: Use the date chooser to select the date of the image.
- Location/Photographer: Type in extra details here.
- Allow printing: If you check this box, then visitors will be able to print your image on their own printer. Leave this box un-checked to disallow printing of the image.
To adjust properties of several images at the same time:
- Select multiple images by holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard while you click each image.
- On the right side of the screen, click the check marks next to each property you want to change. For example, if you want to change the date for all of the selected images, check the box next to “Date” and choose the date.
- Click “Save” to apply the changes. NOTE: if any of the images had individual settings, those settings will be overwritten when you click save.