Step 1: Setting Up Your Pages
Before setting up these pages, you will need to determine the group where your small group pages will be located.
NOTE: These pages may already be created for you in a sample group titled Small Groups, and if so, feel free to use that group and the default pages.
The Search page
This is the primary page you will need to make available on your website, in order for users to search your active groups.Tag:
The Search Results Page
This page displays the active groups, based on the user's search.Tag:
The Register Page
Once the user has selected a group from the results list, they will be directed to a register page, where they can sign up for the group and get more information.Tag:
The Thank You Page
After the user has submitted the registration, and thank you message will display on the screen. No tag is needed for this page. You can just enter your thank you text into the page body area.Selecting your Default Pages
Additionally, specify the Administrator name and email address in the fields provided. NOTE: this is the person who will receive the Administrator email notification when a user registers for a group.