On certain SiteOrganic plans, your Website will provide you the ability to create directories of people, staff, students, leaders, etc. These directories are normally presented as a list of names or photos, with detailed information about each person available when the user clicks a name/photo from the list.
All information for a directory must be entered via the SiteOrganic Admin Console; it is not possible to import data into the system at this time.
To add/edit a directory:
- From the Admin Console, choose Edit Site > Directories.
- Choose the group that will "own" this Directory.
- On the Directories screen, you will see a list of the current Directories in your group. You may delete, add, or edit any directory from here.
- Complete the following fields as necessary:
- Name: Enter the name of this directory. This name won't appear on the Website, but will be useful for you and other Workers to identify its contents.
- Description: Enter a brief description of this directory. This description won't appear on the Website, but will be useful for you and other Workers to identify its contents.
- Tag Syntax: Once a directory is created, you can refer to this line for the proper code to use this directory. See below for more information on placing a directory on a Web page.
- Click the "Save" button to store your information about the directory.
To add/edit members within a directory:
- From the Directories screen (see above), find the directory you wish to work in, and click the "View Members" link.
- On the Members screen, you may either add a new member, or edit/move/delete an existing one.
- Click the Name of a person to edit his/her information.
- Drag and drop member names to move individuals up or down in the sorting order.
- Right-click on a member name and select Delete to delete a person from the directory.
- Click the Add a New Member button to add a new person to the directory.
- Uncheck a box to unpublish a member
- When editing or adding a directory member, complete the following fields as necessary:
- Name: This name will appear in the person's record on the Website.
- Short Name: On some Websites, this field is used next to the thumbnail (small) photos of each person. Or, it may be used as a nickname or other display attribute (consult your designer for details).
- Title: Enter the person's job title, role, or position
- Group: On some Websites, the directory can be split into sub-categories. For instance, within a directory of Students, you might have sub-categories for "First Year," "Second Year," "Third Year," and so on. Use this field to enter the name of the category that each person belongs to. SiteOrganic will automatically find members with matching Group names, and will sort them together in the directory.
- Bio: Enter a description or biography of the person in this field.
- Email: Enter the person's email address
- Thumbnail: If your directory utilizes thumbnail (small) images, then specify the location of that image here. You may either type in the location of the JPG file (if you know it), or click the "Choose" link to use the File Browser popup window. NOTE: As in other areas of SiteOrganic, you must first Upload an image before it can be used on your Website.
- Image: If your directory utilizes images of each member, then specify the location of that image here.
- Associated Email: On some Websites, your directory may include the option to have two different members tied together via association. For instance, the CEO might show up as a link from the Executive Assistant's bio. Or, the Youth Pastor might show an association to his wife's bio. If this applies to your situation, then enter the email address of the other person in this field. SiteOrganic will automatically locate that person's member record and link the two together.
- Assocation Description: When entering an associated member (see above), you can also enter a brief description of the person here.
- Address/City/State/ZIP/Phone: Enter appropriate details here.
- Click the "Add" or "Save" button to store the information.
Click here for instructions to display your directory on your website.