Media Suite 2.0
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NOTE: This article pertains to the Media Suite 2.0, which launched in August 2010. For sites with older Media tools, please refer to the Media Archives article.
Viewing the Audio/Video List for your Group
All of the below tasks will be performed from the Audio/Video List. To get there:
- From the Admin Console, choose Files & Media > Media.
- Choose your group from the list.
The Audio/Video Series screen shows you all of your current media series. At the top of the screen, you can also specify your three landing pages. These are created for you, by default, when you make your first media program. The pages are important because they work with the media archives tags. If you are an advanced user you can manipulate these pages and tags. We recommend that most users just keep these pages set to the defaults: Media Library, Series Landing, and Program Landing.
NOTE: The Media Suite will create 3 pages in your Page List. They will be called Media Library, Series Landing, and Program Landing. We recommend that you keep these pages intact, and do NOT delete them!
Adding a New Series
Creating a new series container is simple. Follow these steps:
- From the Audio/Video List (see above), click the "Add a New Series" button.
- Complete the following fields as necessary:
- Series Title: Specify the name for your series. This title will appear on your archives screen, as well as in the Media Player (beneath the program title).
- Media Archives Page Image: This is normally a thumbnail-sized image that will represent your series on the Media Archives page. Check your image Sizes Guide for details; normally it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 100x85px in size.
NOTE: You'll be adding media programs inside this series. If any of your programs has its own Media Archives Page image, then it will be shown instead of the one for your series. We use a cascading precedence rule, so the individual program details always "win" out over the images from the parent series. - Main Series Image (or Video ID): This image (or video) will be shown on the Series Landing Page. The size will vary (consult your Image Sizes Guide), but normally it will be about 480x360px.
- To add a video teaser for your series: Create a media program for your video first (see below on how to do it; we recommend creating a whole separate series on your site where you just store your teaser programs). Once the video teaser has been created, grab the program ID for that video, and enter back on the Series edit screen. Instead of a path to a JPG image, you will literally just put the integer into the field.
- Description: Enter a description of your series here. The description will appear on the media archive page. This field can accept plain text or HTML markup.
- Featured: Not used on most sites. You can ignore it, unless your Image Sizes Guide instructs you otherwise.
- Source:Not used on most sites. You can ignore it, unless your Image Sizes Guide instructs you otherwise.
- Published: Not used on most sites. You can ignore it, unless your Image Sizes Guide instructs you otherwise.
- If you would like to add Links to other Web pages, or Links to attached files, use the Links/Attachments section to do so. These resources will be shown only on the Series landing page.
- Click "Save" to apply your settings and create the new series.
Adding a New Program
Programs may be added as individual, standalone programs; or they can be added as part of a series. IMPORTANT: Before you add a program to your Website, be sure that you have Uploaded the actual audio/video/image file(s). Please view the list of acceptable Audio/Video File Formats.
If you are adding an individual program:
- From the Audio/Video list (see above), click the "Add an Individual Program" or "View Individual Programs" link at the top of the screen.
If you are adding a program as part of a series:
- From the Audio/Video list (see above), locate the name of the series that will contain your new program.
- Click the "View Programs" link next to the series.
- On the Programs list, click the "Add a New Program" button.
Once you reach the "Add a Program" screen, complete the following fields as needed:
- Title: Enter the name of your program.
- Speaker: Choose the name of the speaker/performer from the list. If the person doesn't automatically appear in this list, then choose "Other" and complete the name/title fields. NOTE: To make a person's name automatically appear in the list of available speakers, have your Administrator add a User Account for the person, then give the person the Teacher Attribute..
- Media Archives Page Image: This is normally a thumbnail-sized image that will represent your program on the Media Archives page. Check your image Sizes Guide for details; normally it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 100x85px in size.
NOTE: If you add an image here, it will replace any thumbnail image you may have added for the series (see above). - Main Series or Program Image: This image will be shown on the Program Landing Page, but only if your program does NOT have video. The size will vary (consult your Image Sizes Guide), but normally it will be about 480x360px.
- Files: Choose whether you want to use audio/video files hosted on your own Website (this is the default), or use video content hosted on a third party site such as Vimeo or YouTube. If you choose the latter, then be ready to paste in the full "embed" tag that the third party site provided to you. We can't help you with that part. :)
- Video: If you have video for your program, specify the file here. It should already be in MP4 format.
- Audio: If you have audio for your program, specify the file here. It should already be in MP3 format.
- Duration: This field is important if you plan to publish your program to a Podcast. Many feed readers, such as iTunes, will use this field to compute the duration of your program rather than inspecting the MP3 file itself. We recommend using the following format: HH:MM:SS.
- Program Date: Enter the date that the program was created/recorded.
- Show date on Media Player? If you would like the date to appear on the Program Landing Page, choose Yes.
- Air Date: This is rarely used. Some SiteOrganic sites offer the option to organize programs by air date (separately from program date).
- Part Number: If this program is part of a multipart series or album, choose the part number here. This will affect the sorting order of your programs on the Media Library and Series pages.
- Featured: This is rarely used. On some SiteOrganic Websites, clients have the ability to defined a list of featured programs. This might also occupy a sidebar list on various pages across the Website. To add your program to the list of featured programs, check this box. NOTE: for sites without a need for featured programs, this option can be skipped.
- Scripture: If desired, enter a scripture verse here. The scripture verse can be formatted with standard chapter/verse notation. If entered, the scripture verse will be shown as a link on the Program Landing page. This will take the user to Bible Gateway, where they can view/print the full passage:
Example: Jeremiah 29:1-12
- Description: Enter a description of the program here. This will appear in the search results of your Website, if someone finds this program via keyword search.
- Search Keywords: Enter one or more keywords here to describe this program. You may enter topics, the title, the speaker/performer's name, etc. If you enter keywords for your program, then visitors to your Website will be able to find it from any page of the Website by performing a keyword search. If you would prefer not to let visitors find this program, then leave the Search Keywords field blank. NOTE: if you plan to publish this program to your podcast, then we strongly recommend adding keywords. They will be used by feed readers such as iTunes Music Store.
- Custom: This is rarely used. The field can accommodate any combination of text or HTML. Most sites will not show this field, but if your site includes a special area for detailed program information (e.g. shot list, store links, etc.), this is the field where you can control that information.
- Links: If you would like to display one or more web links in the Media Player, add them here. The Title is the text that will actually show on the screen. The Link/URL is the target address for the link. To link to a page on your own Website, you can use the "Choose" option to pick the page visually. Otherwise, type or paste the address to a link outside your Website. The link must begin with "http://".
- Attachments: You may add as many file attachments to your program as you would like. NOTE: You may be limited to a certain number of attachments based on screen space in your media player, however. This is commonly used for items such as:
- Notes from a presentation
- PDF handouts (notes, transcripts, press release, etc.)
- PowerPoint slides
- Additional documentation
To add attachments, specify the Title (text to show on the screen) and the actual file to be used as the attachment. NOTE: The file must be Uploaded to the server before you can use it as an attachment.
Categorize this Program
IMPORTANT: Your program will not appear in your Media Library unless you give it at least one category! You can choose any combination of categories and items here. If you need to add more, then have your Administrator do so in the Categories Admin screen.
Placing a full list of your media archives on a Web Page
When you create your first media prorgram in SiteOrganic, the mCMS will automatically set up the pages you need for viewing programs on your site. If you need to preview and/or link to these pages, just head over to the Page List and click the preview tab next to the Media Library page.
If you're more adventurous, or if you just need to re-create the media archives pages, you can set up 3 separate pages. Each one will have one of the following tags:
After you create these pages, be sure to go back to Files & Media > Media, and change the 3 Default page settings at the top of the screen (Default Media Archive page, Default Series Landing Page, and Default Program Landing page). Otherwise, your links won't work!
Create a Link to a Specific Program
If you prefer to link directly to a program, you may do so. This method requires a slight amount of work with HTML code—but don't worry, it's easy.
- From the Audio/Video list page (see above), find the series that contains your target program. Click the "View Programs" link next to that series (or click the View Individual Programs if it's not part of a series).
- You will see a list of programs. Find the one you want, and look across to the URL column. You will need to copy the entire contents of that HTML tag (including the open/close brackets). It will resemble the following:
- Now that you have captured the full HTML tag, you may add it to any of your Web pages. To do so, go to the Page Editor and click the View Source button on the toolbar (or right-click on your page and choose "View Source"). Paste the tag (from step 2 above) into the code of your page. You may now switch back to "View as WYSIWYG" mode, where you will see your new link. You can move this link anywhere else on your page, just like standard text.