Creating/Editing a Podcasting Channel
To add or edit a Podcast channel, follow these steps:
- From the Admin Console, select Files & Media > Podcasts.
- Select the name of your group.
- To create a new channel, click the “Add a new channel” button. To edit an existing channel, click the name of the channel.
- Complete the fields as necessary:
- Channel Name: This name will appear in your list/directory of podcasts.
- Home Link: Users with certain podcatcher software will be able to click a button to return them to your home page, or whatever link/URL you supply here.
- Description: This will appear beneath the Channel title in the list of podcasts.
- Image or Logo: This image will be published along with your feed. Many feed readers, such as iTunes, will use this image as the "logo" for your podcast channel. ITunes requires the image to be JPEG or PNG format and a required size of 1400x1400px.
- Public: If this channel should be visible to the public, then check this box. If the channel is not public, then it will not appear in the normal list of podcasts. Users must have the exact URL of the channel in order to subscribe to it.
- Programs to Publish: Choose the programs and/or series that you wish to publish in this channel.
- All Programs: Check this box to publish all of the programs in your entire Website.
- Include All Future Programs: Check this box so that your Podcast channel automatically includes newly added programs in the future.
- Individual Programs/Series: Check boxes next to series or programs you wish to include in your channel. Podcast subscribers will be able to download multiple programs from your channel (not just the newest program).
Here is the iTunes link for their instructions on How to Submit a Podcast: