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On sites that are so equipped, SiteOrganic supports the use of directories on your website. Once you have created a directory, you may add/edit member entries anytime, and you may also place that directory on any page of your website.
A directory will not appear on your website until you create it, and then place it on a page.
The process to create a new directory (and place it on a page) is as follows:
1. From the SiteOrganic Admin Console, select Components > Directories (if you don't see this option, contact the SiteOrganic Support team).
2. If necessary, choose the name of the group/subdivision that will own this directory.
3. To add a new directory, click the "Add a New Directory" button. To edit the properties (not the members) of an existing directory, click the underlined name of an existing directory.
4. From the Directory settings screen, you can give your directory a name and a description (the description is for internal purposes only; it will not appear on the public website).
5. Click the Save button to return to the Directories list.
6. To add/edit the members of a directory, click the underlined "View Members" link next to the appropriate directory.
7. From the Members screen, you may add new members, change the order they appear in your directory, or delete members. To add a new member, click the "Add a New Member" button.
8. Complete the necessary fields for each member of your directory.
- Name: Full name of the person
- Short Name: Nickname or short name (optional). This will normally appear as the "rollover" when moving over the thumbnail picture of each member.
- Title: Title or role of the person
- Group: Some directories include the ability for you to segment the members into different groupings. If this is the case for your directory, then you can type in the name of a "group" with each member. The system will automatically pool members together whenever they have matching group names. In other words, all members who have "leadership team" in their group field will be set apart as a sub-category of your directory.
- Bio: Full description/bio of the member. Some directories will support HTML code here, but plain text is recommended.
- Email: email address of this person
- Thumbnail: If applicable for your directory, specify the thumbnail (small) photo to be used for this member.
- Image: If applicable for your directory, specify the large image/photo to be used for this member.
- Associated Email: If your directory offers the ability to link two members together (e.g. executive assistant is linked to his/her supervisor's bio), then type the other member's email address here.
- Association Description: If your directory offers the ability to link two members together, then type the text you wish to appear with the associated person's link.
- Address/City/State/ZIP/Phone: Add as much info here as desired.
9. After saving your members, click the "Choose Another Directory" button to return to the directories list. On this screen, note the Tag Syntax for the directory you just created. It will look something like this:
Copy or write down this tag for the next step.
10. Now that you have created your directory, you are ready to add it to a page on your website. From the page editor, you may either create a new page, or edit an existing one. Once you are on the page editor screen, place your cursor in the page body area (where you want the directory to appear) and type the directory tag exactly as you copied it in step 9. This should include the opening and closing curly braces.
11. Save your page and preview it. The directory should now appear on your page. To make any changes to the directory members, go back to Edit Site > Directories and repeat the steps above.