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Recommended settings for Sorenson Squeeze
When compressing your video files for use on your SiteOrganic media player, we recommend using theSorenson Squeeze tool. Be sure you have the latest version (at least 4.3).
Depending on your version of the SiteOrganic media player, you may need to encode your videos in EITHER the .flv or the .swf format. Consult your style guide for information on the proper format and size/dimensions for videos on your site.
When compressing your files, we recommend setting a preset in the Sorenson Media program. You can consult the Squeeze help system for information on how to create a custom preset. The settings we recommend are as follows:
- Codec: Fraunhofer MP3
- Data Rate: 24Kbps
- Sample Size: 16
- Sample Rate: 22050
- Channels: Mono
- Codec: Sorenson Spark Pro
- Method: Sorenson 2-Pass VBR
- Data Rate: 160Kbps
- Frame Size: 240W x 180H
- Maintain Aspect Ratio: yes
- Frame Rate: 1:1 Frames/sec.
- Minimum Quality: no
- Quick compress: no
- Key Frame every: 300 frames
- Auto Key Frame on Scene Change: yes, 50
- Image Smoothing: no
- Playback scalability: no