Care FAQs Articles
Why does my podcast link produce a screen full of XML code?
When I click on the "subscribe to this podcast" link on my Website, I see a screen full of code. It appears something like this:
xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- < rss xmlns:itunes =" " version ="2.0 " >
- < channel >
< title > Example Church Podcasts title >
< link > link >
< description > Example Church is not a real organization. This podcast (and the corresponding Website) were built to showcase the features and benefits of the SiteOrganic site management system. Learn more at! description >
< pubDate > Sun, 23 Apr 2006 20:38:50 GMT pubDate >
- < item >
< title > The Soil title >
< itunes:summary > Without a rich blend of scripture, wisdom, and counsel in our lives, God's word will not take root. itunes:summary >
< summary > Without a rich blend of scripture, wisdom, and counsel in our lives, God's word will not take root. summary >
< pubDate > Sun, 23 Apr 2006 00:00:00 GMT pubDate >
< itunes:author > Randy Jenkins itunes:author >
< enclosure url =" "length =" 14741632 " type =" audio/mpeg " />
< guid > 1874 guid >
item >
- < item >
This is normal behavior, and does not indicate a problem with your podcast. The code you are seeing is written in eXtensible Markup Language (XML), and is a form of RSS feed. This is the code that your podcatcher software (such as Apple iTunes) will read when you subscribe to your podcast. It appears in your browser because you clicked on the subscribe link, rather than selecting the link and importing it into your podcatcher software.
As this is not a malfunction, there is nothing to resolve or fix. However, if you are trying to subscribe to a podcast, you will want to go back to the previous screen, copy the "Quick Link" shown for your podcast, and import that into the podcatcher software of your choice. For an example of how to subscribe to a podcast using Apple iTunes software, please search for "Podcast" in the SiteOrganic Help archive.
Here is an example of a quick link that you would import into your podcatcher software:
Additional Information
We recommend placing instructions for your users on your podcast page(s), so that they know:
What podcasting is
What they need in order to subscribe to a podcast
How to subscribe
You will find information on these items in the SiteOrganic Help archive.