Changing Your Calendar Settings
This section under the master group allows you to change the default settings for site-wide calendar. You are also able to change to default settings for group specific calendars within each respective group.
Overall Settings
This section includes some additional category options for your event: time, location, childcare, contact info, cost and deaf assistance. You are able to check those that you want to make visible in the admin console and/or the website. You are also able to type your preferred text label for each item. For example, you could change the "Deaf Assistance" field to be called "Hard of Hearing" or "Hearing Impaired", based on your own preference.
The calendar feature is comprised of five different pages, all setup with specific tags in the body section. These tags work together to ensure that the flow of the calendar screens. The Default Calendar Pages is where you can specific those five default pages. These pages should be automatically assigned in the dropdowns when you start working on your calendar; however, if not, please make sure that you have each of the pages created with the tags listed below and selected in the respective dropdowns:You can allow users can share an event via Facebook, Twitter, and Email.
Adding Community Features
Under the Sharing section, you can choose the platforms that you’d like to make available. A default icon for each option will be automatically loaded into the fields provided, but you are welcome to load in your own images, as well.You can also incorporate Discussions with your calendar events. SiteOrganic works with Disqus or Facebook. Each of these third-party discussion tools encourage community building on your website through an integrated commenting platform.
For information on how to set up your Facebook commenting, click here.
If you choose the Facebook option, the comment window will be automatically added to your event detail page. To use the the Disqus or IntenseDebate tools, please provide the SiteOrganic team with you Account ID.
The Subscriptions section enables the RSS and/or iCal feeds throughout the calendar pages. The RSS icon will provide the option for users to subscribe to your calendar, and the iCal icon will integrate the calendar feed with their own Google, iCal and Outlook calendars.
The calendar has four different layouts available: Agenda View (next 25 events), Day, Week, and Month. These layouts will be automatically included viewing options for the calendar; however, you are welcome to remove any of these layouts through this settings screen.
Through the Calendar Filter, users can narrow the calendar to only display events from a specific group(s). If the filter option is enabled, users can click on the funnel icon next to the RSS feed and choose the group(s) they would like to see events listed for. The filter panel can either be displayed on the right column of the page or as an overlay window, and you choose select your preference in the settings screen.