Tag Name
Displays a filtered list of media programs, with tabs for categories, date, and speaker. Programs are shown with links to series and individual program pages. Programs are sorted in reverse chronological order (e.g. newest on top). If a program has a date in the future, then it will be shown on the list, but not clickable.NOTE: This tag is designed for use with two other tags: soSeriesLanding and soProgramLanding.
Optional Parameters
- beginSearchMessage (if omitted, the default message will appear on your media library screen: "Click a recent sermon below or use the tabs above to browse by categories"): This will change the large message that appears initially on your media library screen, under the tabs.
- categoriesToDisplay (Category 1|Category 2|Category3): Specifies which categories appear on the media library page. Typically used if you have multiple media suites within your organization. All categories will display as the default, so this tag is only used if you would like to manually select which categories to display.
- descriptionCharacterLimit: Limits the length of the program descriptions on the media library page, if longer than the limit specified. A numerical value must be entered.
- displayAscending (true/false): Option to change the media program list to appear in ascending order. Default is False.
- displayDateTab (true/false): Controls whether or not your Website visitors can click a tab to sort programs by date. Default is True.
- displaySeries (true/false): Controls whether or not the Series column is displayed. Default is True.
- displaySpeaker (true/false): Controls whether or not the Speaker column is displayed. Default is True.
- displaySpeakerTab (true/false): Controls whether or not the default Speaker category tab is displayed. Default is True.
- enableFutureMessages (true/false): Controls whether or not future media programs are clickable. Default is False.
- groupId: specify a group ID if you want to show media programs from only one group on your Website. The default is to show programs from the entire organization's Website.
- includeUncategorized (true/false): Displays all programs on your media library page, not just the categorized items. Default is false.
- initialCount (default is 10, if not otherwise specified): Controls how many programs are shown in the list.
- libraryTitle (default is "Find a Sermon"): This will change the title that appears on top of your media archives, next to the tabs.
- pageSize (default is 100, if not otherwise specified): Adds "previous" and "next" controls to the bottom of the page if there are more programs loaded than specified in the tag.
- seriesWord (default is "Series"): This word appears as the column header, above the names of your media series. You can specify a different term if you prefer (e.g. "Collection" or "Album").
- sermonWord (default is "Sermon"): This word will be used in various locations on the screen. If your organization doesn't use sermons, you can change this to something else like "Program" or "Presentation".
- speakerTabText (default is the value of speakerWord): This will change the wording of the Speaker tab.
- speakerWord (default is "Speaker"): This will change the value of the word "Speaker" that is shown in the results area, as well as on the Speaker tab (unless you supply a value for speakerTabText; see below).
- titleWord (default is 'Title"): This word appears as the column header, above the names of your programs. You can specify a different term if you prefer (e.g. "Name" or "Slug").
{soMediaLibrary(initialCount=100,displaySpeaker=False)}In the above example, a media archive is displayed on the page with up to 100 programs and the speaker column is hidden.