soRecentPrograms (older version 1)
Tag Name
Displays your organization's most recent audio/video programs in a list. Also allows you to include buttons near the list, so that users can click to see your entire archives, go to another page, etc.
Required Parameters
Optional Parameters
- display ("html" or "flash")
- numPrograms (number of programs to show; the default is 10)
- link1Title (visible title of the first link)
- link1URL (target address of the first link)
- link2Title (visible title of the second link)
- link2URL (target address of the second link)
- link3Title (visible title of the third link)
- link3URL (target address of the third link)
- groupId (ID # of the group containing the programs to show) NOTE: leave this blank to show recent programs from the entire organization.
In the above example, the 5 most recent programs for the organization will be shown. There will also be a link called "Full Archives", which links to the URL provided.