Working in Internet Explorer
We currently recommend using Chrome or Firefox when working in the admin console, due to some lingering issues occurring in the IE browser. However, if you'd like to use IE, please refer to the info below.
File Uploads
We recently deployed a new file uploader tool that no longer requires the Java applet (effecting Chrome, Safari and Firefox); however, our latest update to the file uploader tool do not function properly in older IE versions, such as 8 and 9. I'd recommend upgrading to either IE10 or 11, and you should be able to upload (the compatibility mode needs to be turned off).
Editing Pages
If you are using versions 9 or 10, editing pages should function as normal. For IE11, we've observed that this latest version is a stable browser and does some great things to improve the browsing experience on many Websites. That said, we have also found that it introduces some new issues in some scenarios, specifically adding an abundance of line breaks when saving a page.
Our team is working with the vendor that created the HTML editing controls we use; there is an IE11 fix in the works. In the meantime, I can suggest two workarounds for you:
1. Use Chrome.
2. Use IE11, but adjust the compatibility settings. Click the small "gears" icon in the toolbar, then choose Compatibility View settings. Add the Website "" to the list. This should force the browser to adopt IE10-like behaviors, although testing is warranted in most cases.
IE11 is now standard for all Windows 8 users and is also growing in popularity for Windows 7. We will be publishing an update to respond to the changes, as soon as it becomes available.